2006-2009 Dodge Ram Cummins EFILive Custom Tuning

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Regular price $440.00 CAD
Tune Level
Tune File Options

Product details

  • Type Tuning
  • Vendor EOC Performance Parts LTD.

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Starlite Diesel EFI Live Tuning - This is for tune files only.  Autocal sold separately. Vin License sold separately

Tuning Levels:

Level 1 = Stock turbo, injectors, and cp3.

Level 2 = ONE of the following upgrades to your truck: Turbo, Cp3 or Injectors (No body mod injectors)

Level 3 = TWO or more modifications: Turbo, Cp3 or Injectors (No body mod injectors)

For Off Road Use Only - Requires a race exhaust